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Showing posts from November, 2018

Unity free tutorials week 9

This week, again we had to proceed with more unity tutorials to help progress with creating the game on unity. This week im still following Jimmy Vegas' unity tutorials. Specifically, the platformer tutorial series he provides on his youtube channel, which as I have said in the past tutorial blog posts, this benefits me as I am currently creating a simple platform game. Tutorial Sky box and Sound FX For this unity tutorial, it exactly does as it says on the tin. The video in question helps to go through how to implement these features. For the skybox, we import assets we want to create the sky. This part shows how to add textures onto the skybox (or backdrop) to make the game look more visually interesting and tie into the look and theme of your game. Then the tutorial also goes through how to implement sound effects into the game, the specific sound effect is picking up a gem in game. I find this tutorial decent to follow, I do find myself pausing and rewinding back through a s...

Week 8: First Playable Prototype

This week I have continued on working on my Unity game prototype. So far the progress has been slow but somewhat decent. Although later on into development, unity has started to acting up on my Macbook.  The progress I have made so far is mapping out my first level and then what I did was add in some basic 3-D shapes to create a platformer level. The prototype and first levels platforming will be rather basic as im starting out and so is the player when they try it. The level will use 3-D shapes such as Planes and Cubes as effective Platforms and the character model needs more work. I am aiming to implement a decent character model, possibly music, some gems to collect and one or two enemies. Some early progres of the level

Unity Free Tutorials: Prototype work

This week I had to do more Unity tutorials I have found on the internet that would help towards my project and prototype. This week I continued working on the same series of videos from Jimmy Vegas, the series is about how to make a platformer. As I said in last weeks post, this will help towards my prototype as I want to make a platformer so this is perfect. The first video I looked at is the 3rd in the series and is about how to work on the player character and music. Heres a link for Tutorial 3.  The video is quite straightforward and easy to follow, as usual, the video is informative and helps go through the process of working on the player character model and how they work in the game for platforming and implementing the music into the game. The next tutorial is the 4th in the series of videos and this one is a bit more tricky, this tutorial goes through Coding for the game and how to make a UI or User interface for the player. Heres a link for  Tutorial 4.  The ...

Multimedia Assignment: Prototype work

Recently I have started working on my prototype for my Game. I started it on Unity and im following some unity tutorials on how to make platformers, not to copy them but to see what I can do and point me in the right direction though. The prototype is going fine, progress is slow but im trying to get stuff done though, I can imagine only getting substantial work in Multimedia labs though. Also, another issue is finding the time to actually get some work done on the prototype as I have other assignments and having to commute up and down to college every day. Other than that, work is going along fine, working on previous unity tutorials has helped give me some experience in helping to create the game and the detail added to my GDD has helped too as it will give me some focus for making the game too.

Unity Free Tutorials

For this weeks unity tutorials, I had to look up and find tutorials online. I looked up some on youtube, especially tutorials for platforms as my game will be a platformer.  The tutorials I have found are from the same channel as the previous tutorials, Jimmy Vegas but this time around the tutorial is about making a platformer. So this means the tutorials aren't too complex and familiar. Unity Tutorial Platformer 1 This tutorial isn't exactly deep nor complex, its just going through the basics again, like the first unity tutorial and honestly is a nice refresher. All this tutorial is showing us how to set up a new project on unity, how to mess around with the layout, make basic 3-D shapes like cubes and spheres, simple stuff really. Unity Tutorial Platformer 2 This tutorial is rather simple as well, all I had to do here was take some textures and add them to the 3-D shapes I created in the last tutorial above. It also shows how to make the textures have more recessed and...

Final GDD

This blog post is about my final GDD for my game. This will help me plan out my game and know what I need to implement it. Here is the link to my  GDD on Dundoc

Unity Tutorial 5

For week six of unity tutorials, I had to watch more videos to help develop skills towards the project. I had to watch 2 unity tutorial videos one is adding a skybox and wind, another was adding in a fade screen. For the first tutorial, adding in a skybox and wind into the game's world. Firstly I had to access the asset store through unity, search for a free skybox pack.  Then I went into the window section, the lighting and then settings. Then chose the skybox material option and chose which skybox worked and changed the colour it appropriately. Then to add wind, I head into the game object section, then 3-D object and then add in wind zones. Then in the next tutorial, we add a fade screen, its an animation that only happens when we start the game,  a black screen fills the view and then after a short time it fades and the game appears. Something simple but yet effective. After doing these two tutorials, I felt they were simple, easy to follow, informative and yet not too com...